/* Exclude.h - Define variables to exclude selected header files. For complete explanation, see Rector & Newcomer, Win32 Programming, pp 25ff. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* This has the largest impact, halving the pch file size. */ /* These definitions also reduce the pch and improve compiling time. All the programs in the book will still compile with these definitions. You can also eliminate, for example, security with #define NOSECURITY. */ #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOCOMM #define NOCTLMGR #define NOCOLOR #define NODEFERWINDOWPOS #define NODESKTOP #define NODRAWTEXT #define NOEXTAPI #define NOGDICAPMASKS #define NOHELP #define NOICONS #define NOTIME #define NOIMM #define NOKANJI #define NOKERNEL #define NOKEYSTATES #define NOMCX #define NOMEMMGR #define NOMENUS #define NOMETAFILE #define NOMSG #define NONCMESSAGES #define NOPROFILER #define NORASTEROPS #define NORESOURCE #define NOSCROLL //#define NOSERVICE /* Windows NT Services */ #define NOSHOWWINDOW #define NOSOUND #define NOSYSCOMMANDS #define NOSYSMETRICS #define NOSYSPARAMS #define NOTEXTMETRIC #define NOVIRTUALKEYCODES #define NOWH #define NOWINDOWSTATION #define NOWINMESSAGES #define NOWINOFFSETS #define NOWINSTYLES #define OEMRESOURCE